

poleca 92% 102 głosów


· Can mean everything from cigarettes and alcohol to heroin, cannabis, amphetamines, LSD and cocaine
· They are dangerous for many reasons:
- they cause depression, unconsciousness (nieprzytomność) or even death
- there is also danger of addiction (uzależnienie) after regular use
- they cause confusion and frightening hallucinations, unbalanced (niezrównoważne) emotions, serious medical disorders (dolegliwości zdrowotne), deterioration (wyczerpanie)
- they can infect our system leading to AIDS
People take drugs:
· when they want to relax, to cope with (dać radę) the stress and problems in their life
· when they are bored, frustrated of frightened

The signs of taking drugs:
· sudden changes of mood (nagłe zmiany humoru), being irritated (bycie poirytowanym), agression, no appetite
· when somebody can’t sleep, he behaves in a different way
· needles (igły), tablets, pills

What should be done:
· parents should tell their children about dangers connected with drugs
· people who are taking drugs should be taken to the doctor or on the detoxication
· someone should help addicted (uzależnionym) people with the problems that caused taking drugs

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