
Włamanie do domu

poleca 86% 101 głosów


Opowiadasz znajomym ze stanow zj. o wlamaniu w nocy do twojego domu. Opisz gdzie byles gdy dowiedziales sie o wlamaniu jak zareagowales widzac poczynione zniszczenia kto zawiadomil policje i czy zlodziej zostal zatrzymany

Last night someone has broken into our house. I never supposed that this could happen. At the time of this accident I was in a disco club with my boyfriend when suddendly my cellular phone started to ring. I picked up the phone and my father told me the situation. Instantly I left the disco and made myself on the way home - I wanted to see what happened, immediately. I was scared that eventually somebody could get hurt - God beware! When I entered the house, all I could see was a big chaos. Clothes scattered around the floor, a broken window... just pure chaos. They took away a pretty amount of money and some gold which belongs to my grandmother.
My father informed the police immediately, and they just called back when I came back home and told him that they got the thieves - together with their booty. So everything that has been stolen came back to its owner. (booty = lup zlodzieja)

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