
My daily routine (Moja codzienna rutyna)

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2020-09-07
poleca 85% 2575 głosów


I wake up at six o'clock. I stay in bed for ten minutes. I get up and go to the bathroom. Next I brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I get dressed. I wear my favourite T-shirt and black jeans. My mother makes a cup of tea and breakfast for me. Then I pack my things to school. After packing my things I eat bread with honey and drink tea for breakfast. I leave home at half past eight. Lessons begin at eight o'clock. During breaks I have lunch. I get home from school and I have a rest in the garden. Next I have dinner at three o'clock. I eat vegetables and drink orange juice for dinner. Later I do my homework. Then I go for a walk with my dog. After that I lazy about. Next I meet my friends at six o'clock. When I come back home, I play on the computer. Next I surf the Internet. I have supper at eight o'clock. Then I take a shower. Later I play computer games with my brother. After playing computer games I put my pyjamas and get ready for bed. I go to sleep at hal past nine.

Wiem, że zdania mogły by być bardziej rozbudowane ale od oceny zależała też ilość zdań.

Można też użyć takich określeń jak go away for the weekend (wyjeżdżać na weekend), go to church, (iść do kościoła) , it takes me (zabiera mi ) w sensie np. It takes me seven minutes to get to school ( Dojście do szkoły zabiera mi siedem minut) .

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