
Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze

Szczegóły kursu


Tryb: Stacjonarne

Rodzaj:Studia II stopnia

Opis zajęć

The studies have been designed for students wanting to broaden their knowledge and strengthen their leadership and managerial abilities. The participants of the program aim at working in a multicultural environment requiring high qualifications and language skills. Successful completion of the studies will help to take prominent positions in top international companies.
This is an intensive, full-time program, for top-notch students. During the 2 years of study you will review some of the international business issues, but mostly comprehend higher level topics. The program consists of specialisation modules focused on solving advanced business problems.
Master’s program in International Business is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree or equivalent and English proficiency. We invite all candidates with some or no professional experience.

  • Czas trwania: 4 semestry
  • Opłata: PLN
  • Data rozpoczęcia: 2011-09-30 22:00:00

ul. Komandorska, 118/120
53-345 Wrocław

+48 71 36 80 100
+48 71 36 72 778

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