
Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze

Szczegóły kursu


Tryb: Stacjonarne

Rodzaj:Studia I stopnia

Opis zajęć

You will become an expert in international business and improve your position in the job market. The graduate will be equipped with skills helping to appreciate economic, political and cultural dimensions of global business. Excellent knowledge of international issues thanks to the participation in prestigious studies will open many doors in the business world. The graduate will be prepared to play an active role in multinational corporations, export companies, strategic consultancy and financial institutions.
During the 3 years of study you will participate in various projects and improve your skills by formulating business strategies and solving economic problems. Participating in the program will increase your chances for career in multinational corporations and international organizations.

  • Czas trwania: 6 semestrów
  • Opłata: PLN
  • Data rozpoczęcia: 2011-09-30 22:00:00

ul. Komandorska, 118/120
53-345 Wrocław

+48 71 36 80 100
+48 71 36 72 778

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