
Management in English

Szczegóły kursu


Tryb: Stacjonarne

Rodzaj:Studia I stopnia

Opis zajęć

Upon completion, graduates receive:
- "BA in Business Administration" with specialisation in International Business, from National-Louis University, USA;
- "Licencjat in Management", (Licencjat z Zarzadzania) from WSB-NLU, Poland;
Thinking about a career in business? Think like a business-person: 3 years of investment and we open the world to you: any school, any company, any career! You get a full American degree in THREE years (when in the US it would take you four and cost a lot more money).
We are the BEST Management in English programme in Poland, with top lecturers (in terms of knowledge, English and teaching abilities), international students, very high demands and a lot of work. But...our successes speak for themselves! It's not easy, but the benefits are HUGE!
Find out about our:
- Lecturers (who will teach you);
- Programme structure;
- Subject outlines (short descriptions of subject content);
- Entry Requirements (required documents & programme fees);
- Our support for international students (International Student Office activities);
and then...
- Sign up for recruitment!!
In Nowy Sacz, you will join WSB-NLUs elite Management in English programme and study alongside people from across the European continent. The program attracts people from all over the world. Together we establish a demanding but exiting atmosphere of multiple cultures and world views. All our students and teachers are multi-lingual which makes English the first (but not only) language of communication at WSB-NLU.
During your study you will:
- work on your own,
- prepare group projects and presentations,
- be required to read books, academic articles, magazines on a wide variety of topics, etc.
- deal with demanding situations,
- discover how to react to pressure, academic demands,
- deal with interpersonal and intercultural issues.
Our successes attest to the quality of WSB-NLUs Management in English programmes: from the 2007 and 2008 "BA in Business Administration" graduating classes we have seen our students enter:
- London School of Economics;
- University of Monaco;
- Bocconi University;
- Bristol Business School;
- Copenhagen Business School;
- University of Madrid;
and other European leading universities, where they are able to complete their Masters programmes with top marks.
March 2009 : Those that will soon complete their 3rd year are planning to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors and enter prestigious European universities.
Others have stayed with WSB-NLU and are attending our "MSc in Global Business Management" Masters, leading to TWO degrees:
- Magister in Management from WSB-NLU, Poland;
- Master of Science in Global Business Management from University of Wales, UK;

  • Data rozpoczęcia: 2015-01-31 23:00:00

Informacje: Biuro Promocji i Informacji, Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu -
33-300 Nowy Sącz

+48 018 449 91 02, -103, -104
+48 018 449 91 21

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