
Język angielski

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List formalny do świętego Mikołaja

(Przypominam, ze gdy piszemy listy formalne nie uzywamy skrotow takich jak I'm czy I'll za to na maturach i na sprawdzianach odejmuja punkty. No chyba ze piszemy list nieformalny to mozna pisac skrótami lub nie to juz jak kto woli:)) (Pamietajcie...


List z wakacji do przyjaciela.

Dear ... , > I'm writting to tell you about my wonderful holiday which I decided to spend in England. I have visited many cisies, but finally I've stayed in London. I really enjoy this place! I love the people and atmosphere have. Unfortunately,...


Polsko - Angielski list do kolegi - opis swojej rodziny i samego siebie.

Wersja Polska Drogi Johnie. Co u ciebie? Dziękuję za list i twoje zdjęcie. Tak jak prosiles w liscie opisze siebie i swoja rodzinę. Wraz ze swoja rodzina mieszkam w Żarach. Mam dwóch braci Tomka i Adriana. Tomek ma 24 lata a Adrian 18. Tomek...


Write a letter to a new penfriend and tell him/her about your hobbies.

Dear Agata, How are you? I'm glad you want to be my penfriend. Let me tell you a littel about myself and my interests. I love reading fantasy book. My favourite series is about "Jakub Wędrowycz" by Pilipiuk. I spend most of my time on it. I...


Kartka pocztowa z wakacji

Hi Ewa, Having a great time here in Spain. It's really hot- we spend all day on the beach later we go out to eat. The local dishes are delicious! Staying at a fabulous guest- house with watersport facilies. Been to visit historic buildings, crown...


List Nieformalny - List do Rodziców z wakacji

Kołobrzeg, 10.07.2005 r. Dear parents! So as promised, I epistolize to describe with trip my hitherto exist impressions. Fifth day of stay is already. This time fleet so, and one wished. It is wonderfully here. Until lack me words. Raise the...


List z podróży do przyjaciela

Brzesk 22 55-335 Godzisk...


E-mail do kolegi o wakacjach i tłumaczenie

Hi Paweł Tanks for your e-mail. I would like to ask you a few questions but it later. At first I would like for you to describe how I spent my holidays. So durying holiday I was cycling with my friends to beaches. We playing a volleyball...


E-mail z wakacji do przyjaciela (głównie czasy Present Continuous i Present Perfect)

From: twój e-mail To: e-mail adresata Hi Kazik I'm writing from Mongolia. The weather is really hot at the moment but I really like it here because the food is very well. I'm driving around the country and I'm stopping in different...


Winter holiday

Sun Hotel...



Hello! I’m Magdalena. Nice to meet you! My name’s Magdalena, but my family call me Lena. Have you got a nickname? I live in a house, in Ropczyce. Where do you live? I go to school in Ropczyce, too, and I’ve got lots of friends here. Ida, Ola...


A letter to a magazine about a concetr you have been to.

Dear Editor, I am writing to you about the concert in main square in Wodzisław last Saturday with the local regge band, Tabu. There was an audience of 300 people and the main square was completely full. The band had trouble with time.Although...


List do przyjaciela z Egiptu

Hi Jimmy! I’m in Egypt. It’s wonderful place! I would like stay here any longer, but unfortunately, I can’t. There is terribly hot, but at night is very cold. It wake up when I want. This evening I’m going to sight- seeing and I’m going to eat...


Skarga na biuro podróży

Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to complain about terrible and awful time provided by your travel agency when I travelled with you on flight C5643 to hotel in Berlin last Friday. Firstly, I booked simple and single room because I wanted to be...


List prywatny - zasady pisania i przykład zadania

List prywatny: 1.Powitanie - hi, hello 2.Zdanie wprowadzające - how are you? I'm writing to... 3.Informacje zgodne z poleceniem 4.Zdanie kończące - That's all for now, I've got to go now 5.Zwrot kończący list - sincerely, love, best wishes,...


List z wakacji

Dear Zibi, I'm writing this letter while on holiday. I'm having the best time of my life. I'm here at Rożnowo together with my friends. The village is really beautiful. We've been having lovely weather since the very arrival, with the sun...


List o książce po angielsku

Dear Asia, I'm writing to you to tell you about my new book. Last weekend I read book "Mysterious garden" This book tells about young girl Mary Lennox. She is from India. Mary had got rich parents. But her parents die of a...



Curriculum Vitae Name: Susan Surname: RXXX Date of birth: October 11, 1993 ? Wxxxxx, Poland Nationality: Polish...


List z wakacji.

Dear Patricia, Greetings from Zakopane! This is a wonderful place, and it?s sunny and warm, but sometimes it?s windy. I?m wearing jeans, trainers and T-shirt. Zakopane is beautiful city. We are staying in a pleasant and comfortable guest...


CV po angielsku

Personnel department 56/43 rybna 50-556 wrocław tesco tel: 0600 700 800 34 Grzybowa street e-mail [email protected] 50-678 Wrocław 23 october, 2004 Dear sir, I read your advertisement for a job as a department head of deep- frozen foods in...


List do kolegi z Anglii

Dear Max Thanks for your postcard from Jamaica. I am really happy that you remembered about me. I see that you spent a holiday in a beautiful pleace. I always wanted to visit this island, but I do not have enough money. ;( Maybe someday we will...


List do kolegi (Zaproszenie)

Roman Kowalski St. Orzechowa 2/5 Gdynia 81-366 Hi Roman I'm writing to ask you about my idea. I want to invite you for Thai Cookery courses. It will be very funny and We can learn many things. Write soon Best wishes Tomek


List do właściciela mieszkania

Dear Mr. Garr Thank you for renting me the flat in London. I enjoyed my stay but it turned out to be more expensiove than we itially agreed on. Here is a list of things I had to pay for during my stay. I also attach a bill for your...


List nieformalny o Wielkanocnych zwyczajach

List do kolegi z USA - Napisz jaka jest pogoda w Polsce i jakie są symptomy nadchodzącej wiosny - Co konkretnie robisz, żeby przygotować się do Wielkanocy - Napisz o najważniejszych zwyczajach wielkanocnych w Polsce i powiedz, który ty...


List do listownego przyjaciela (penfriend).

Dear Anna, Hello! I'm your new penfriend. My name is Monika, and I'm 14 years old. I live in Wola. Where is Alice Springs? Is it big or small? Is ti near the Poland? I love listen to music. My favourite singer is Jesse McCarthey. Which...


List o szkole w innym kraju

Hi Kate , Here I am In Ireland ! I got here in the last week. The flight was really boring but I was with my friend Jessica . I stayed with her at Hotel in Dublin for three days. I saw the sights . Then I got a bus up to Limerick . School is...


Introduce yourself and your family to a pen friend. (przedstaw siebie i swoja rodzine w liście do przyjaciela)

Hello Paul, My name is Kuba Grabowski. I live with my family in Poznań in central Poland. One word describes my whole family. That word is musical. There are four people in my family- five if you count me. In our family the children read music...


List do przyjaciela

16, Leszczynowa, Płock 09-410 25th September Dear Nicola, Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry I haven't written to you earlier but I had to learn for my...


List z Obozu

Dear Emma, I?m writing to you because I?m at a camp In Gdańsk. The weather is very nice. But next week I?m coming back to Kraków. I wish you were here with me. But you are so far? so I?m writing. We have a very nice time here, we didn?t walk a...


List od Billa do Toma

Dear Tom, I was having a great time in Rome. That is wonderful and beautiful place. The weather is quite good. I was staying with my paretnts, my cousin and my friends in a nice hotel near disco club. So far I was been to Manhattan. We...


Jak pisać listy nieformalne?

W prawym górnym rogu wpisz swój adres i datę. Pisząc datę użyj formatu: 15 January, 2005 (albo January 15, 2005). Mimo że Twój list będzie czytał nauczyciel bądź egzaminator, wobraź sobie, że piszesz do przyjaciela. Zatytułuj list, np. Dear...


Pocztówka z wakacji

Dear Kate, Greetings from hot Greece, I’m on Rodos Island. It’s such a lovely place. Every day in the morning I lay on beautiful yellow sandy beach and I take some tan. I live in a five star hotel. It is simply wonderful, because there is a...



Nadmorska Street 62a 76-034 Sarbinowo mail:[email protected] Tel. 987-564-482 October 18th Dear Sir or Madam I'm waiting to complain about a mobile phone. I bought it from your shop in Warszawa on Krakowska Street on 12th October. The mobile...


List do rodziny u której spędziłeś wakacje

11th October, slupsk Dear Mr and Mrs Smith! At first I want to thank you for your hospitality. I had with you really great time and of course i have improved my English too. So living with you have many...


An e-mail to a friend

An email to a friend From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Dear Asia! Thank you so much that you wrote to me. I know that you had no time so I’m very appreciative. And I’m sorry that I haven’t rewritten you so long (You know,...


The Letter.

March 30th, 2018 Hi Tom. I am so glad that you are coming to visit me this Friday. I have a plan what to show you in Krakow. As you may already know it is the capital city of Lesser Poland and is dated on 965. First of all we are going to see...


An e-mail to arrange a trip.

AN EMAIL TO ARRANGE A TRIP Dear Joanna Thank you so much that you’re helping me with arranging this entire trip to London and your offers. It’s very kind of you and I’m very thankful. And the most important thing: I’m very happy that I can...


List formalny dotyczący pracy opiekuna na koloniach

Formal letter Ubiegasz się o pracę opiekuna na koloniach. Napisz list formalny w którym: -Podasz skąd dowiedziałeś się o tej pracy i dlaczego ci na niej zależy - Napisz o swoim doświadczeniu w tej pracy i kwalifikacjach, predyspozycjach -...


Letter of appeal

Boczna Street 1 22-222 Radlin...


Physical Education should be taught in schools

Physical Education has been a part of the school curriculum for years, and I believe that it should remain so for a variety of reasons. In the first place, offering Physical Education in schools as vital for children who have neither the...


List motywacyjny i ogłoszenie - letter of aplication and advertisement

I'm looking for a person to look after a 2-years-old baby in Warsaw. I want to fin a young woman to work in the evenings. Please call me for the number 123456789 or write letters of application for e-mail: [email protected] -- Dear Madam. I...


List z trzydniowej wycieczki do starożytnego Rzymu

Rome, 25.09.100 year Dear Asia! To begin with I want to extend warm greetings to you and to send my letter force of kisses. Very much I would want you to be here with me and she admired the beauty of many wonderful places I had...


Crime Story

One year ago, a boy called Amadeusz went for a walk with his friends. When they arrived to the forest Stasiek saw Kacper – he is a brother of his girlfriend, Genowefa. He asked Stasiek and Amadeusz if they can help him selling drugs. Stasiek said...


Podanie o pracę.

Dear Ms Cooper I am writing to apply for a job as a holiday hosts and hostesses this summer. I am sixteen years old and I come from Poland. I study at high school near Konin. I can speak Polish, English, Russian and little German. I like...


Formalny list do gazety / A Formal Letter to a Newspaper

Tamford Evening News, 28 Wexford Grove, 12 Main Street, Tamford, Tamford....


Znajomość Internetowa

Po Polsku: Cześć Radzio! Mam na imię Michał, chodzę do drugiej klasy gimnazjum, więc mam 14 lat. Jestem szatynem średniego wzrostu i mam wesołe usposobienie. Ja i mój młodszy brat Marcin bardzo lubimy gras w piłkę nożną, oglądamy dobre mecze w...



Dear Sasha! Thank you for your letter! I think that you're very good atletcs. I don't know any runner, but I think Kelly Holmes is good runner, isn't she? Now, I tell you about my favourite sport. I alweys love winter. My favourite sports are...


Dear Karina

Hello. J 'm in a four star hotel in the capital of Denmark Copenhagen with my family. It 's sunny today and we 're eating seafood for dinner in restaurant. After dinner we are going to the statue of Little Mermaid, heroine of Hans christian...


Pocztówka "Wakacje w Afryce"

Dear Mark. I am on vacation in Africa. There is a very hot and hard to find something to drink. Wear sports shoes, shorts, cap and shirt. Resides in the city of Alexandria, but it soon because the longer we go tomorrow for a trip along the Nile....