
Naturalny swiat jest po panowaniem ludzi. (THE NATURAL WORLD IS UNDER ASSAULT FROM MAN)

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What should depress us most in the huge speed and scale of the change that human beings are inflicting on the world. Today we have so many environmental problems that it is quite difficult to point out the most important ones.

The burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests increase CO2 in the atmosphere. The surface of the Earth radiates heat. Some of this escapes into space but the rest is stored by the CO2. The temperature rises. The rise in temperature increases the amount of water vapour in the air and this traps more of the Earth’s heat. At the poles snow and ice melt as the worldwide temperature rises. Because the exposed surface does not reflect the heat so well, it absorbs more sunlight and more snow is melted. As the oceans absorb more heat, they increase the greenhouse effect. The oceans expand and rise as more snow and ice melt. The climate becomes warmer (it is the effect of the greenhouse). Therefore it will be impossible for some species (animals and plants) to live on the Earth.

Another important issue is the case of endangered species. On one hand there are people who kill animals to make money on their skins and horns and on the other hand there are people who want to buy such trophies. For example: elephant is one of the world’s endangered species which is still being hunted for its horns. Africa has lost 99% of black rhinos in the past 20 years. On the other side of the world the grey whales of Baja California have nearly disappeared. Poachers still hunt the tiger illegally, too. We must remember that every hour two or three kinds of animals, plants or insects die out fo ever.

Moreover the seas are in danger, too. They are being filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, sewage. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead, the North Sea is following. If nothing is done about it, one day soon nothing will be able to live in the seas.

Trees are a vital part of the water cycle and, of course, they give us oxygen that we breathe. Unfortunately forests are disappearing as trees are burnt or cut down. Consequently less and less oxygen is being produced. The rate at which the Amazonian jungle is being destroyed amounts to about 29.000 square a year. That’s an area the size of the whole Scotland disappearing every year.

Cities, towns and villages we leave in are the mostly contaminated. Freon from our fridges and sprays we use go out into the atmosphere and damage the ozone layer. Cars and factories emit fumes directly into space pollute the air so heavily that many city - dwellers suffer from serious medical disorders. Our society is producing too much packaging and food waste which are dropped in the streets or end up on the rubbish tips. There is a risk - very serious - of epidemics. Because of this diseases spread more easily.

Lastly, there is one more dangerous environmental problem - the acid rains. Factories and cars release poisonous chemicals into the air. The chemicals mix with the water vapour in the clouds and pollute the rain which later falls damaging trees, seas and buildings.

Our environment is being destroyed but still we have time to do something about it. Every day during the rush hour we can see cars stuck in traffic jams sending their exhaust fumes up into the atmosphere, polluting our environment. If we had an integrated public transport system with subsidised fares, commuters would be encouraged to leave their cars at home and switch to a more efficient from the transport. Farmers should not spray pesticides on their crops. I am sure that it will be better for our health. Potentially the most dangerous threat to the environment is nuclear waste from power stations. Can it be stored safely? By developing alternative sources of energy, such as wind and wave power, we can make our world much safer to live in.

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