
Język angielski

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Czas Past Simple - prosty przeszły

PYTANIE: DID jako operator zdania, np. ""Did he go to the shop"" ZDANIE TWIERDZĄCE: Osoba połączona z II formą czasownika Regularne Dodajemy końcówkę D albo ED (washED). Czasem trzeba zamienić Y na IED. Nieregularne Druga forma, np. (...


Słówka - choroby, dolegliwości.

flu - grypa meales - odra chicken pox - ospa wietrzna mump - świnka gamon measles - różyczka jundince - żółtaczka pneumonia - zapalenie płuc catarrh - katar cough - kaszel fever - gorączka cut - rozciecie bruise - siniak scrath -...


St Valentine's Day

SCENARIUSZ LEKCJI JĘZYKA ANGIELSKIEGO Nauczyciel: Agnieszka Latos Klasa: V Temat lekcji: St Valentine's Day. Cel ogólny: poznanie słownictwa związanego z Walentynkami Cele szczegółowe/operacyjne:` -uczeń zna słownictwo związane z...


Describing people

Person, which I want describe is Angelina Jolie. Her real name is Angelina Jolie Voight. She was born on 4th June 1975 in Los Angeles and she is actress and in the past she was a model. Angelina’s father is Jon Voight, Marcheline Bertrandt is...


Angielskie czasy- Present Continuous

PRESENT CONTINUOUS Present Continuous to jeden z pierwszych czasów, jakie poznajemy zaczynając naukę angielskiego. Czas ten opisuje czynność jaka jest w tej chwili wykonywana. Aby utworzyć zdanie w Present Continuous potrzebujemy dwóch rzeczy:...


List nieformalny o Wielkanocnych zwyczajach

List do kolegi z USA - Napisz jaka jest pogoda w Polsce i jakie są symptomy nadchodzącej wiosny - Co konkretnie robisz, żeby przygotować się do Wielkanocy - Napisz o najważniejszych zwyczajach wielkanocnych w Polsce i powiedz, który ty...


Opis przerażającej i niebezpiecznej sytuacji

A few days ago my mom almost got us into a car accident. At the time we were both so shocker and scared that I think it's a miracle we got out of it without scratch. My mom drops me off at school on her way to work every morning, because she's a...


Słówka o Australii

Outback - słabo zaludnione tereny w Australii poisonous – trujący extraordinary – niezwykły constellation – gwiazdozbiór bounced – odskok landscape – krajobraz crustacean – skorupiak dessert – desert desert – pustynia harsh – ostry...


Biography of Jules Gabriel Verne.

Jules Gabriel Verne was famous French author. He wrote a lot of stories. Verne was born in Nantes, France in 1828. He studied law, but he worked as a stockbroker. Jules loved sailing. It was his hobby. He had three boats. Jules Gabriel Verne...


Ubrania, wzory.

Patterns & fabrics Checked ? w kratkę ; plain ? gładki Floral ? w kwiatki; chequered ? w szachownicę Striped ? w paski ; horizontally striped ? paski poziome Vertically striped ? w paski pionowe; spotted ? w kropki Woolen ? wełniany; leather ?...


Past Simple - Czas Przeszły Prosty

Twierdzienie: I / you / he / she / it / they / we + czasownik z "ed" ( przy czasownikach regularnych) lub 2 forma czasownika ( przy czasownikach nie regularnych) Przeczenie: ( 1 forma czasownika ) I didn't + czasownik w...


List do listownego przyjaciela (penfriend).

Dear Anna, Hello! I'm your new penfriend. My name is Monika, and I'm 14 years old. I live in Wola. Where is Alice Springs? Is it big or small? Is ti near the Poland? I love listen to music. My favourite singer is Jesse McCarthey. Which...


Opis obrazu

My favourite painting is my autoportret.Very much I like this image, since my friend painted him .He is black white but he has very strong outlines.I put him above the bed since there is this masterpiece for me. the person who is writing this work...


Czas Present Perfect

Czas Present Perfect Zastosowanie: -czynności przeszłe,które MAJĄ związek z TERAŹNIEJSZOŚCIĄ Typowe określenia: -already-ostatnio... -recenty-właśnie co... -just-właśnie... -yet-jeszcze/już... lately-ostatnio... -since/for-od......


Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. After graduating in1900, Einstein had a hard time finding a job. He finally got a job at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902. This job gave him the time to do some of his most important...


Will it be possible to live forever?

Our world changes all the time. Every day scientist try make easier our life. They find new technology, new drugs. In the past peoples died by cold. Actually, we know how to cure many disease. In my opinion, our life is safer than ever. I think,...


My favourite book - Anne of Green Gables

Once I have read a book called Anne of Green Gables written by Lucy Maud Montgomery. I was impressed by it . The novel describes the life of Anne Shirley . When Marilla and Mathew Cuthbert of Green Gables , send for a boy orphan to help them out...


Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born in 1812, in Pourstmouth. He hed 7 brothers and sisters. His father was clerk in a office. When Charlie was 11, his father was embedded wist his family to a prison, because he had debt. Only Charles didn't go to the...


Fryderyk Chopin

Most people love music Fryderyk Chopina. He composition and wrote nocturne, etudes, waltzes, polonaises, mazurkas and songs to words by Stefan Witwicki. Fryderyk was born in Żelazowa Wola on 1st March 1810. He was the Polish composer and pianist....


List o szkole w innym kraju

Hi Kate , Here I am In Ireland ! I got here in the last week. The flight was really boring but I was with my friend Jessica . I stayed with her at Hotel in Dublin for three days. I saw the sights . Then I got a bus up to Limerick . School is...


Słownictwo dotyczące człowieka angielski.

Appearance – wygląd Average – przeciętny To be fed up(with sth)-mieć dosyć czegoś Beard-broda Brave-odważny Briefcase-teczka Big-headed-zarozumialy Claim-twierdzić Common-pospolity Checked-w kratkę Cotton- bawełna Cross-rozgniewany...


Introduce yourself and your family to a pen friend. (przedstaw siebie i swoja rodzine w liście do przyjaciela)

Hello Paul, My name is Kuba Grabowski. I live with my family in Poznań in central Poland. One word describes my whole family. That word is musical. There are four people in my family- five if you count me. In our family the children read music...


Ciekawy prosty dzień w dwunastu zdaniach

I often wake up at half past seven o?clock. I fasted make my bed and go to bathroom. I clean my teeth, face and hands. Then I usually have a cheese roll and hot tea. I leave the home together with my brothers. My bus usually was late. I seldom...


TV, Television - Good and bad points of watching television.

As we know, TV is very helpful, but sometimes it?s also destructive. I want to introduce good and bad points of watching television. At first, I want to show positive arguments. There are many advantages of watching TV. TV serves many...


Moja recenzja- "Mona lisa"

This is my favourite picture, named ‘Mona Lisa’. ‘Mona Lisa’ was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. He was born in 1452 in Vinci, Toscania. He died in 1519. ‘Mona Lisa’ is his famous picture. On picture there is a woman named Mona. Her face is very...


List do przyjaciela

16, Leszczynowa, Płock 09-410 25th September Dear Nicola, Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry I haven't written to you earlier but I had to learn for my...


Recenzja filmu "Quo Vadis" Jerzego Kawalerowicza

Historyczny melodramat ?Quo Vadis?, wyreżyserowany przez Jerzego Kawalerowicza, laureata wielu nagród, został stworzony na podstawie szkolnej lektury autorstwa Henryka Sienkiewicza. Film, mimo iż ujrzał światło dzienne w 2001 roku, 105 lat po...


Reporting verbs (czasowniki do mowy zależnej)

accuse of (oskarżać)- dodajemy końcówkę "-ing" np. She accused me of taking her book. insist on (nalegać) - dodajemy końcówkę "-ing" np. They insisted on his coming without dog. refuse (odmawiać) - przed drugim czasownikiem piszemy "to" She...


Rozpoznawanie czasów

Past Continuous - I was/wasn’t -We were/weren’t -Was/Were? - -ing -when – kiedy, while- podczas gdy Past Simple -2 kolumna lub –ed -Did? -Didn’t -Opisuje to co wydarzyło się wcześniej Present Simple -W 3 osobie- He, She, it –s ,y-ies...


Australia z tłumaczeniem

praca w dwóch załącznikach


Opis wakacji po angielsku.

Two years ago I decided to take a vacation over the Polish - Baltic sea . I went there at the end of July. Going there was very happy that it is warm and the sun is shining , but not for long , because when you arrive it started to rain . I...


My favourite place - describe

I would describe my favourite place in the world - The Parthenon. It's the most popular building of ancient Greece. It was built in the 5th century BC on the Acropolis of Athens. The Parthenon is the symbol of ancient Greece and of Athenian...


Strona bierna Passive Voice

SIMPLE PRESENT Somebody cleans the room every dat. - strona czynna The room is cleaned every day. - strona bierna SIMPLE PAST Somebody cleaned the room yesterday. - strona czynna The room was cleaned yesterday. - strona bierna FUTURE SIMPLE...


Przedimki a,an,the.

A/AN - Jest to przedimek nieokreślony, którego używamy przed rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie pojedynczej. 1) przed zawodami np. a teacher, a doctor, a nurse 2)przed zwrotami określającymi częstotliwość np. once a week, twice a year THE...


Recenzja twojego ulubionego filmu

freaky friday (2003) directed by Mark Waters is a comedy film. The main stars are Lindsay Lohan (Annabell Coleman) , Jamie Lee Curtis (Tess Coleman) , Chad Michael Murray(Jake). Tess and her daughter couldn't understand each other. Tess didn't...


“Disaster in Tino”

?Disaster in Tino? Last Monday, on the 12 th of November, there was a disaster. In a small village called Tino, in the south of China, a volcano erupted. It was unexpected. About 500 citizeus lived in the village situated near the volcano. This...


The Poles: What we’re really like. (stereotypy o Polakach)

Most of the European think that Poland is in Asia. Most of the European don?t know that in Poland people speak Polish. Most of the European don?t know where Poland is. If you ask some man on a street in Paris or London ?What are you thinking...


Jak tworzymy czas past simple?

Oto pokaże wam jak stworzyć od czasowników(present simple) czas przeszły(past simple) Regular Verbs 1. work worked fix +ed...


Ściąga z Angielskiego do 2 Klasy Gimnazjum

attitude-postawa, stosunek fine out- dowiadywać się need- potrzebować tension- napięcie other- inny laughter- śmiech laught- śmiać się term- semestr stop nagging- przestań ględzić PE Kit- ubranie na wf timetable- plan lekcji it could...


List z Obozu

Dear Emma, I?m writing to you because I?m at a camp In Gdańsk. The weather is very nice. But next week I?m coming back to Kraków. I wish you were here with me. But you are so far? so I?m writing. We have a very nice time here, we didn?t walk a...


My Life picture - Obraz mojego życia

In my picture the colours are Black , red and silver becouse they're my favorite. I'm hardly ever quite but I'm usualy friendly , and just because I have lots of friends. In photo I'm in tramway , day after music concert. Music is my passion ,...


List od Billa do Toma

Dear Tom, I was having a great time in Rome. That is wonderful and beautiful place. The weather is quite good. I was staying with my paretnts, my cousin and my friends in a nice hotel near disco club. So far I was been to Manhattan. We...


Opisz swojego przyjaciela. (poprawione przez nauczyciela BDB)

My friend's name is Paweł. I meet in the Gdańsk. He lives in Gdańsk. I meet in the Internet Cafe. I see this person every week. We have similar eyes, nose. We play computer games and surf internet. We are different because he likes music Disco...


Rozprawka na temat paparazzi.

Paparazzi - definition of sensation-hungry and intrusive photographers. So what to do with them? Let's start with the fact that the paparazzi give us entertainment, because who does not like to read magazines? In addition, celebrities earn...


Present Continuous – czas teraźniejszy ciągły

Użycie: 1) do wyrażania czynności, które dzieją się teraz, np. I am reading a book now. ? Teraz czytam książkę. She is swimming. ? Ona pływa (teraz). 2) do wyrażania czynności, które dzieją się wokół czynności mówienia, np. She is studying Maths...


My country

My Country I love living in my country because: -I love swim in the crystal clean water. -The food is very smashing and healthy. -There are some fantastic TV programs, for example, TVP1. -I can quick accord with my friends by Gadu-Gadu....


Reported Speech - questions and imperatives – mowa zależna – pytania i tryb rozkazujący

Imię i nazwisko nauczyciela: Beata T. Klasa: IIa Technikum Zawodowego - Technik Informatyk Data: 23 marca 2010 Czas realizacji: 45 min Ogólny cel nauczania języka angielskiego w IV etapie edukacyjnym (wariant A): - osiągnięcie umiejętności...


My winter holidays.

My winter holidays My winter holidays I spent In Zakopane. Zakopane is the Centre of winters sports. The town is situated in a valley in the Tatra Mountains. I like my winter holidays because I always meet my friend there and we had got very...


Wypracowanie o ulubionym miejscu w Londynie

Wypracowanie o moim ulubionym miejscu w Londynie - Wembley. Akapit 1. I love football and I think that Wembley Stadium is the most interesting place for footbal fans on their point of view. Akapit 2. Wembley is a national football stadium...