
Is it better to invite people for a meal at home or to a restaurant?

poleca 86% 104 głosów


We often invite people for a meal. we wonder if it is better to meat at home or in a restaurant. In my opinion we should think about the reason of meet before we make a decision where we will eat.
If it is a business meet, when we don't know the invited person as well, we should choose a restaurant. It will be better because we don't have to clean and do the washing up and there's no problem what we should cook. In the restaurant we won't feel nervous that something will be wrong and we can concetrate on the conversation. When we invite a girl or a boy for a first date, it will be better to meat in a restaurant because it is a neutral place where we feel freely. But when we plan a meet with a friends or with a family, we should invite them to home because we can stay there as long as we want, we can talk loudly. Home is more comfortable place then a restaurant and we feel relaxed there. We have to clean and cook but when we invite a lot of people it is really cheaper to make a meal at home. Some people like cooking very much and it is pleasure for them. In my opinion it is important if people have free for cooking or not. In big cities, where people have no time, they usually going to eat to a restaurant. But people who like cooking and they have time time to this, they invite friends for a meal to them home.
So, we have to think whose we invite and for what.

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