
Conversation between the customer and the witer in restaurant- Rozmowa klienta i kelnera w restauracji

poleca 89% 102 głosów


D : Good morning. I?d like to reserve a table for his evening.
W : For how many people?
D : Four, please.
W: What time will you be arriving ?
D : At eight ?clock.
W: What?s the name, please?
D: Kubica
W: Ok. We?ll look forward to seeing you this evening.

D: Good evening. We have a reservation .
W: What?s the name, please?
D: Kubica
W: We?ll have a free table in ten minutes.
D: Ok.

Too 10 minutes
W: I invite you. Are you ready to order?
D: Can I see the wine list, please?
W: Would you like to order drinks first?
D: Yes, please. Can you recommend some typical local dishes?
W: Yes. The cottage pie is very good. And what would you like to drink ?
D: A bottle of red wine please.
W: Certainly.
D: Can I have some salt?
W: Anything else?
D: Could we have a high chair, please?
W: Yes.

D: Waiter ! There must be some mistake. That?s not what I ordered. I asked for cottage pie.
W: Oh.. I?m sorry . I will occupy already it.

D: Excuse-me, the bill please?
W: Certainly. Here you are.
D: Is service included?
W: Yes.
D: Can I pay with this credit card?
W: Yes, certainly.
D : Thank you. That was a very good meal.

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