
EXERCISES: Reported Speech

poleca 85% 176 głosów


I. Przekształć zdanie na mowę zależną.

1)Sue said „I don’t like pie”
2)I have lost my hat. Said Mike.
3)I will do my homework tomorrow. Said Jenny.
4)John has been painting the wall. She said.
5)Do you like eating potatoes?
6)Please. Help me with the tidy room.

II. Wstaw ‘SAY’ lub ‘TELL’

1)The Sales Manager is going to.................. everyone about the meeting.
2)He …………… me to stop speaking.
3)Please he …………. Not to eat pizza.
4)Sue ……………….. that she didn’t like John.
5)Mike ……………..her that he lost Nela’s keys.
6)He ……………….that he sun was shining.

III. Zmień następujące zdania na mowę zależną:

1)I am very tired, becouse I have been working for nine hours.
Tom said…………………………………………………………………………..

2)I was washing up yesterday and it is your turn now.
I told my younger brother that………………………………………………….…

3)I am going to visit a museum next Sunday.
Jhon told Jane…………………………………………………………………….

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