
Reported Speech - notatka

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1. Reported Speech – zdania twierdzące i przeczące
Direct Speech ---> I’m cleaning my teeth.
Reported Speech --> He said that he was cleaning his teeth.
2. Reported Speech – questions
Direct Speech ---> Are you American?
Reported Speech ---> She asked me if I was American.
3. Reported Speech – zamiana czasów
Present Simple -> Past Simple
Present Perfect -> Past Perfect
Past Simple -> Past Perfect
Present Continuous -> Past Continuous
Future Simple -> Conditional
Past Continuous -> Past Perfect Continuous
3. Reported Speech – modal verbs
will -> would
can -> could
can -> be able to (future)
may -> might
shall -> should (rada) / offer (oferta)
must -> must/had to
needn’t -> needn’t/didn’t need to/didn’t have to
ought -> ought
4. Reported Speech – wyrażenia
now -> then
here -> there
this -> that
these -> those
ago -> before
today/tonight -> that day/that night
tomorrow -> the next day/the following day
yesterday -> the day before/the previous day
next -> the following
5. Reported Speech – requests and commands.
She told me... – ona kazała mi...
She asked me... – ona poprosiła mnie...
Direct Speech -> Can you repeat the question?
Reported Speech -> She asked me to repeat the question.
Direct Speech -> Don’t cheat during the test.
Reported Speech -> She told us not to cheat during the test.

Czy tekst był przydatny? Tak Nie

Czas czytania: 1 minuta
