
Terrible story

poleca 85% 101 głosów


I walked briskly up the path to the cottahge which I hadn't visited for 2 months. The grass had grown to the height of about 20 centometres. Hardly surprising, since it had rained a lot, although that particular day was dry and sunny. It was late afternoon and it was getting colder. I put my hand in my pocket, got out the key and unlocked the door. Before leaving, I had locked every door and window. As I stepped inside, I noticed that the air was fresh. That couldn't be right. Was I imagining things, or did I hear a creak from the top stairs? I was determined to see what it was. I went upstairs and started to creep to the first room carefully. I heard something strange from one of the rooms. I opened the door and went in. I was startled to see my old friend Lucas there. He was lying on the floor and had a gag in his mouth. I took out this gag and Lucas started shouting immediately. At first I couldn't understand what he wanted. At last I understood. He shouted: "Look out! The psychopathic cutthroat is in your house! He wants to kill you! Look out! He is behind you!". But it was too late. Before I looked behind me the murderer had stabbed me. I felt the blade deeper and deeper in my body. "What a deplorable end..." I thought and died.

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