
Extreme sports, what are the reasons of their popularity ?

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It seems to me that the best sports are not those in which a man competes with his opponents, but the ones in which a man competes with himself and with nature's forces. This makes it possible to prove how much a man is worth. These are so called ‘extreme sports’, sports which demands above the average proficiency, courage and acting in high risk conditions. Nevertheless these factors does not scare men away, even testifies to its huge popularity. So we can ask ‘what are the reasons of their being more popular than simple, common sports?’

First of all, extreme sports join with the high pressure. For many people practising them is the only way of living. Moreover for them, the adrenaline is the most important thing and that’s why they must try even more and more dangerous things.

Second of all, these are good things due to its connection with defeating people’s fear, weaknesses and fighting with the elements. All together, men think that it helps them to become mentally stronger.

What is more, extreme sports continually evolve, although of course, that is not the only reason. They are trendy, provocative and many people practise them just because of that fact. This is the way that they are proud of themselves as they made up their minds to do such performances.

And finally men have always wanted to astonish the world and nature by inventing more and more different kinds of extreme sports. It is undoubtedly connected with development of technology and new, surprising ideas.

To sum up, extreme sports have become popular in the last two decades because lots of reasons. It really give people one the creeps, and hearts beat like mad while doing it or even watching on television. But one thing we can be sure, these sports are certainly not going to disappear in the nearest future.

compete - współzawodniczyć
opponent – przeciwnik
above the average proficiency – ponadprzeciętna sprawność
testify to – świadczyć o czymś
evolve – ewoluować
performances – wyczyn
astonish – zaskoczyć czymś, zdumieć
invent – wynajdować
give one the creep – przyprawiać o dreszcze
heart beats like mad – serce bije jak oszalałe

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