
A story about a walk in the mountains - a story about a bear - Opowiadanie o wyprawie w góry - opowiadanie o niedźwiedziu

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It was May, school things slowed down a little bit. Jane and Tom decided to get some rest and fresh air, and therefore rented a room at a hotel in the Alps. We are very glad that they will be able to escape from the problems of Plymouth. They also hope that they are able to celebrate their second anniversary in a nice way.

We both loved the mountains and long walks, so the choice was obvious. Packed up, they went to Switzerland. Arrival before sunset had put Jane in a good mood. She was a big fan of the sun hiding behind a great mountain. A pair of left luggage and went outside to admire wonderful game of red and orange light gently stroking the giant mountain.

"It's a good night for a glass of wine and a quiet rest" - and Tom thought they did. The next day they woke up relaxed and full of energy. The sun was shining bright and inviting. The decision on setting off into the mountains was only a matter of time. Delicious breakfast, energizing coffee, lunch and were ready to go. Following the hand admiring the stunning views of the Alps. Surrounded by beautiful forests, all you hear is the gentle flowing stream nearby, your own heartbeat and breathing. Jane has dazzled and she absorbed the beauty of the place. Tom began to take pictures, to remember how paradise on earth.

Suddenly they heard something more than a slight noise and murmurs of nature. Anxiety filled their hearts and Jane snuggled into Tom. This is what they see in a moment exceeded the limits of their imagination. The huge bear came into the clearing he admired. Everything they could squeeze out, is a quiet sigh. Panicked. Stunned at the ground, looking up at the steel large animal, shaking with fear. The bear sniffed around them. He looked hungry and ill. Tom - sober - he thought he could give the animal its provisions, so it was not hungry. Very slowly he reached into his backpack and pulled out the food. Then I threw them away to their left animal and focused on eating.

Fortunately, his idea turned out to be good and the bear focused on food. Tom firmly grasped the hand of Jane and powili began to retreat down the hill, then even run. When we feel safe, they slowed, stopped and heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh, Tom! It was so scary! Thank God I think for both of us! "- Exclaimed Jane. "It's okay, honey, let's go to the hotel, zrelaksujmy" - said Tom hugging his still shaky better half. "Please, never again let's go to the Alps! - Asked Jane. They went further and were huddled in the immediate vicinity of the hotel for the rest of the week to celebrate its anniversary.

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