
Composition 1, Pupils in Poland

poleca 85% 102 głosów


Pupils in Poland are conformed to a special school system and they have their rights and obligations to observe. If they do not respect them, they have to bear responsibility.

On the one hand, all pupils in school must be treated equally. None of school group can have more privilages than other pupils because it would result in some conflicts and injustice. In addition, pupils will learn about fair treatment, which does not always go with politics. Besides, punishing badly - behaved pupils has to be radical and strict because this group has a negative influence on the rest of the class. However, putting them into one special class can not solve the problem.

The main disadvantage is that discipline system has negative influence on talented pupils and prodigies. What is more, it often slows down their development and they can not go with their own special course. Another disadvantage is that, radical punishing might act as a deterrent for some people but not for all. Also, badly - behaved pupils should receive special attention and assistance from the teachers and educators.

On the whole, the form of discipline that is used in Poland has many disadvantages as well as advantages, but in which country it is perfect system.

Anyway, everybody who is thinking seriously about good grades and opinion fits in the system and does not worry about it.

Comments: Q little bit too long and may brthere 2 sentences too informal. Rest is good, i suppose.

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