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Powstanie portu w Gdyni



O powstaniu portu w Gdyni zadecydowało kilka czynników między innymi przyrodnicze, polityczne oraz społeczno ekonomiczne. Tadeusz Wenda zdecydował za lokalizację portu przy Gdyni na Pomorzu – między Kamienną Górą z Oksywiem. Na poparcie...

Język angielski


I think that Gdynia is the most beautiful city in the coast of Poland. Gdynia is situated by the sea "Morze Bałtyckie". Gdynia has been establish in 1926. Gdynia has a 248 000 residents. Gdynia is a

Język angielski

Gdynia City

Gdynia is situated on the Baltic. It lies on the Bay of Gdańsk. The site was carefully chosen. This lovely coastal town is one of Poland’s three seaports. The port of Gdynia was the first Baltic

Język angielski


Originally Gdynia was a small Cashubian fishing village.It quickly changed into a big port and town, when the Polish authorities decided to build a new port on the narrow strip of the Polish

Język angielski

Gdynia - a city born under a lucky star

which it served in convoys. Its home port was Gdynia - a city born out of dreams and very wisely invented less than 80 years ago; a city born under a lucky star - where luck never fails you and unlike

Turystyka i rekreacja

Plan wycieczki 5 dniowej Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia

Wycieczka turystyczna Gdańsk,Sopot, Gdynia Organizator: Biuro turystyczne „ FUN TRAVEL” Ul. Piekarska 6a 64-920 Piła