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Tradycje demokratycznego państwa polskiego

1. Budowanie demokracji szlacheckiej rozpoczęło się od przywilejów szlacheckich a) Przywilej w Koszycach 1374r – Ludwik Węgierski – rycerze byli zwolnieni z wszelkiego rodzaju świadczeń osobistych na rzecz państwa z wyjątkiem obowiązku służby wojskowej b) Niemnem...


The greatest wonder of the modern world.

The Internet is one of the most important invention in history. Millions of people from all over the world use it every day. It seems that the Internet is everywhere . The Internet offers thousands information. Using the Internet offers many advantages. For...


List do przyjaciela

Dear Mateusz, How are you? Thanks for your letter .I’m sorry written for so long but I have been very busy. I’m writing to let you know that I have been on great meeting about a sensible diet. This meeting was last Friday in my school. Very famous professor Mr. john...


Memories of Beatrix Potter child

“Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter.” This is the introduction to one of the best-loved children's stories of all time - The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Beatrix Potter was born in 1866 and she dyed in...


My favourite house

In the future I’m going to have family. I’d like to have 2 children and big house. I love my family and I want to spend my free time with them. I hope I will see my parents and other person from my family every weekend in my big house. I’m going to live at the...


Opisz szczegółówo miejsce w którym chciałbyś spędzić wakacje.

On summer holiday I’d like to visit many places like Egypt Italy France. I want to see places witch I have never seen. First of all I’d like to go to hot Egypt but I’ve never visited this country. There are famous pyramids and the huge Sphinx in Egypt. I haven’t...


The Happy Prince

Many years ago were a big city in the north of Europe. In this city, there was a big square .On this square was a beautiful statue. It was the Happy Prince .He was very beautiful and on his body was gold. Everyone in city was proud and lucky. Near the river lived 2...


opowieść fantastyczna

Once upon a time in a big city. Now is a year 3010. Everything is very modern. There are on Earth no trees and no flowers. Offices and houses are everywhere. People only work and work, they have no holidays. They don’t meet with friends because they don’t have ones....