
Napisz opowiadanie kończące się słowami "John realized that he was finally safe"

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Napisz opowiadanie kończące się słowami "John realized that he was finally safe"

It was the middle of the school year and Mary and John were doing their project. They wanted to prove that the telepathy really existed. They checked if they thought about the same things or about each other at the same time. Their work involved a lot of their time and they put a lot of effort into it. To tell the truth, the results were dissatisfactory. Mary suggested stopping it for a weekend so John reacted cheerfully to her idea. He was happy that he would have free time. He decided to go for a long walk like he was used to doing in every weekend. Having taken his plans into consideration he woke up early on Saturday and set out on his long and lonely journey. After two hours he reached a deserted place by the river with the old, wooden suspension bridge. Crossing it, it collapsed under John?s weight and he fell down. At the last moment he caught a brink, which was happily intact. He was worried and terrified. He tried to call Mary in his mind and then he was shouting for a long time. John was slowly losing his hope and his hands were completely numb and aching. He didn?t know how long he had been hanging, it could be only five minutes or two hours but it was too much. But suddenly he heard a noise and Mary was running from the forest. John called her using his mind. John realized that he was finally safe.

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