
A hidden meaning behind my name

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There is a lot of different meanings behind my name .My name has its origins from an Aramaic name, Martha. It means “Lady” or a “Lady of the House”. In Poland names are traditionally given at a child’s baptism. Most of the names parents choose are from a long list of traditional Christian names. In the past, two Christian names were given to a child so that the child can have two patron saints instead of just one. Nowadays, this is more of a tradition; although, sometimes the priest encourages parents to give their child at least one Christian name, so the child can have one patron saint. My name is a Biblical name and comes from Saint Marta, who was a patron of sculptors, cooks and maids. There are also a lot of derivatives that are very popular in Poland, and can be used by adding a suffix to a first name. My name has a great number of possible derivatives, which include: Martusia, Majka, Marteczka and Martynka. First names are very important for people in my country; in addition, we celebrate a “name day ” (imieniny) on the day of our patron saint. I think celebrating a name day is very exciting and meaningful for all Polish people. My parents wanted to give me a name that would suit me and my personality, and I think name Marta is perfect. My name is a very usual name. However, it has a very special meaning to me. It was given to me by my parents, and I am very thankful to my parents for giving me this name.

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