
The Rospuda Valley

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The Rospuda Valley- should we protect it?

Can you imagine a beautiful landscape with dead animals and plants or a polluted river with rubbish on its bank? Seems like horror? But it soon may come true. In Poland we have a gorgeous valley called Rospuda. Some of engineers claimed, that they wanted to build a road across this valley, but fortunately ecologists protested. However, as far as I am concerned, the ecologists are right: we should fight to save the natural beauty of the Rospuda Valley.
In the first place, there should be built a bypass avoiding the valley, instead of leading the road across. I strongly believe that this solution will provide many benefits. For instance, the animals and the plants living in the Rospuda Valley will be able to carry on their calm life, without breathing in exhaust fumes form cars’ engines. Also, the noise relevant with vehicles will not be able to disturb them. In addition, some of scientific research showed that the vehicles going through the bypass may use up less petrol than the vehicles going through the road across the valley.
Moreover, we should think about the beauty and health of the environment. In the Rospuda Valley you can find many preserved species of plants and animals. For example:
bloody orchid, long-leafed sundew, wide-leafed sundew (they are plants) and white eagle, wolves, grouse (they are animals) and many others. We have to prolong their life expectancy and save them at least to the next generation. That will be possible only when the bypass is built.
On the other hand, some people who live in a town called Augustów (across this town the bypass would be built) are protesting. They claim that the noise of lorries will pull down their houses, or at least break the walls and windows.
Probably the citizens of Augustów are right, but I think that the environmental issue is much more important. Even the European Commission has sent Poland warnings concerning the damage that will be done to the Rospuda Valley if Polish engineers do not build the bypass. As we can see it is not only Polish case, it is a European problem that should be solved well.

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