
The expression "slow food" has recently been coined in opposition to "fast food". What does "slow food" mean to you? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

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"Slow food" is healthy food: they are vegetables, fruit, grain products, milk products and lean meat. This is the food prepared at home and simply made slowly and traditionally.
The "fast food" is a good solution for people who lead busy life and still hurry. also a lot of teenagers eat "fast food" (for example: pizza, hamburgers, chips or other sweet snacks), because this is tasty. But, we should remember "fast food" is very unhealthy, because it is high in fat and empty calories. If we still eat "fast food", we will be obese. So the "fast food" isn't good for people on slimming diets, elderly people and suffering from different diseases. While everyone eats "slow food" and even should eat it, because it is healthy and not fattening. The "slow food" is rich in fibre, protein, vitamins. It also has less fat and carbohydrates. Futhermore "slow food" is tasty too. On the other hand the "slow food" isn't suitable for people leading hectic life. They haven't much time for consuming at work and often at home too.

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