
Cheat or not to cheat?

poleca 87% 101 głosów


Cheat means to lie to other people or prepare some helps for exams. In our country cheating is nearly a lifestyle. We hear about it in many places. Mostly, it is practised by students in schools. Cheating consists of making some helps at home. People have got different ways of cheating. Mostly, we make helps on sheets of paper. We describe (write down) essential information on those papers and we are ready for the exam. Next, you must think where you should hide help not to be caught. Later, you must only sit and wait for a good occasion to cheat. In our country, consequences of this kind of cheating are not big. When you are caught, you can only get a bad mork. But in other countries, consequences are sterner. You can be even expel from school. So this is the first disadrantage of cheating. You can fly out from school or university and your life will be worthless. In other countries you can even lose your fingers.

We shouldn?t cheat, because that way we don?t learn anything. When you only thinking about cheating, you can forget about basic knowledge and in the nearest future, you will also forget about your name and surname.

Through cheating, people become more dependent. And when we graduate from school and go to worle we haven?t got any information to work hard, because in real life we don?t count on helps any more. Everybody respects job and is busy only his work. So we should count our life in the nearest future will be harder.

I think that we shouldn?t cheat, because it has got a bad influence on our future when we are going graduate from school or university and go to work and we don?t know how to do some activity we prefered to make helps than learn.

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