
„Students cheat because they are lazy and stupid”.

poleca 85% 107 głosów


Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing in connection with your article entitled „Students cheat because they are lazy and stupid”. This article made me really agitated and angry because I completely disagree with this statement.
There are some other reason why students cheat. Firstly, they do not want to learn abstract and incomprehensible things by heart. They believe they will not need them in the future (which is often true), so they do not have any motivation to learn them. Secondly, teachers themselves “help” us cheat, when they do not give any interesting debatable questions at tests, but standard tasks easy to rewrite from the notebook.
Moreover, you cannot call students lazy and stupid, because they are very creative and have great potential. They have a lot of new ideas and they want to introduce them into life with the help of new technologies and new computer programs. But they want to learn some practical things.
All in all, I do not think cheating is good, but I also believe that teachers (and not only)should think of some other ways to avoid it, and not call us lazy and stupid!
I wonder what other readers think about this article and I hope you will publish their opinion on the pages of your newspaper.
Yours faithfully,

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