
As Mark sat down... Activate B1+

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As Mark sat down, he felt something moving next to his leg. He looked down and saw a big hairy creature. It ran away immediately. What was it ? Mark was on holiday with his dad in Bieszczady. They were staying in a tent. Mark got up earlier and decided to go for a small walk. About two kilometers from the camp he saw a big and old forest. Mark decided to explore it. After few minutes he heard some strange noises. He reminded story about old sasqacz which lived alone in that forest told by old huntsman. He also remembered that dad told him not to go to that forest alone. Then suddenly something ran near his leg. He looked down, but couldn't see anything. He was so scarred, so he started to run back to the camp. Again something ran near his leg. Mark was almost ready to fight with the beast and even die ... but he saw huge bood-wanting angry sasquacz . He was waving his tail and looking friendly to Mark.

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