
Entrance fee

poleca 85% 483 głosów


Money rules the world. This old principle feels also about culture. Unfortunately if we want to see f. e. an exhibition of a great artist we should pay for the ticket. Many of us ask than – why do I have to pay for this? Culture is something invaluable. We should got used to that something which is worth seeing has its own price. But culture is not a thing which cares about money. Museums etc. should deeply care about visitors.
But lets take a look at this from the other side. Keeping museums in a good condition, borrowing good paintings and employing workers have a price too. And it is not the smallest one. So we should not be so angry about it. It is time to understand that every services, every pleasure can not function without money. Entrance fee is at the present very common kind of incomes. Mostly this is the only way of making money by institutions such as museums.

We should stop treating paying for tickets as necessary evil. It can be a kind of pleasure if we look at this from a special point of view. As professor Mc.Donovan from Cambridge university says: “ Supporting culture we are supporting our souls”.

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