
Should Highcrest have homework?

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“Should Highcrest have homework?”

“Yes! I got an A+ on my test!” First of all, I think students should have homework. I believe that, because it helps everybody in many ways. By doing homework, students will gain more knowledge. Also, kids that have homework get better grades on tests from more practice with the material. Lastly, homework helps students by filling their extra time during the day. As you see, having homework helps in many positive ways.

By doing homework, students gain more knowledge. As you know, practice time with material helps you remember it. Homework is like practice with material. You practice and gain knowledge on different subjects in school. If you learn more, it will help you once you become an adult. If you use your knowledge, you will get better jobs and your family will be wealthy. A student that learns more will have a better ability to read, write, and understand. Once you get older, he or she will be able to write letters and newspapers. As you see, by having homework you can get a better job and gain the ability to read and write.

Next, doing homework helps you get better grades. If you get better grades, your parents will be proud of you. That is a good sign. If they are proud of you, you will get more privileges at home such as play dates. With better grades, you will always be able to go to advanced classes. Going to advanced classes is something you should be proud of. The grades that you get from these classes will improve your grades. Without howework, your grades would be lower, because you would learn less.

By doing homework, students stay busy. Homework is like a time stealer. It steals the extra free time each day and fills it with a very positive and useful way of managing time. If not at home, you would be doing your homework at school, during school hours. That way, you would get more “school-work” and school would be much longer. Now you see how I got an A+ on my test.

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