
Why should we be vegetarians?

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Vegetarianism is a feeding system in which every meat product is forbidden. It includes even fish or poultry. But why so many people are vegetarians ? Very often we hear that it’s unhealthy and unnatural because people should eat meat. I can’t agree with it. Animals which eat meat like a panther have long fangs and sharp claws. I guess that nobody doubts what they are for. The human being is similar to the chimpanzee which eats plants. People aren’t adapted to eat meat. Our ancestors probably started to hunt because plants were not available on the very hot or cold terrains. People who don’t have predator’s attributes used their intelligence to construct weapons and traps. Now their difficulty ends on the going to the shop. We don’t often think where the meat which we eat comes from. The massive breeding connects with their suffering. Animals live in crowded concrete halls. Young calfs are separated from their mothers and immobized in special pens. Then they are intensively fattened and killed. Poultry breeding is similar. Immobilized birds are given hormons in order to the fast weight gain. Then they are transported thousands kilometers to the slaughterhouse. Some of them are dying during that route. The others wait for their death for long hours. This is the main cause why we should stop eating meat. The other reason is the economical problem. Nowadays many people are dying because of the famine. Animal breeding isn’t efiicient enough to feed all people. But if we cultivate soya bean for example we would be able to feed 30 times more humans.

Animal farms are also responsible for the environment degradation because every day thousands tons of dung pollute earth and water. The next consequences of it are acid rains, pollution of lakes and rivers and the destruction of the tropical forests.

The other advantage of the vegetarianism is our health. Plant products are healthier than meat which often includes hormons and atybiotics set earlier for the animals. Besides our alimentary system isn’t adapted to the meat diet. Some ingredients which are in meat can cause the cancer or the atherosclerosis.

I don’t eat meat because I think that I’m not selfish. I couldn’t eat it for my own pleasure knowing how much that poor animal suffered. Animals aren’t worse than us. They feel. They feel pain. We are very fond of ourselves, we think that we are great and we forget about animals. Maybe I’m naive but I think that some day people will stop doing that.

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