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Przymiotniki wyrażające opinię


Miejsce przymiotnika w zdaniu (Position of adjectives)

Przymiotniki zwykle zajmują miejsce przed rzeczownikiem.Przymiotniki odnoszące się do jakości mogą występować zarówno przed rzeczownikiem: Yesterday I met a nice guy. She hates her brown coat. I have some interesting information for you. jak i po czasowniku: I will become rich one day. Maggie is very intelligent . You look good in this dress. Wszystkie przymiotniki dzielimy na dwie grupy: przymiotniki wyrażające opinię: good,...

Język angielski

Advertising - a form of manipulation or a marketing tool.

presenting the advantages of their products. But in some countries it is forbidden as for example in France where one cannot use in commercials and advertisements adjectives and adverbs in the superlative

Język angielski

Review of an album

?Parachutes? is a Coldplay?s debut album, full of romantic and smoky ballads that testify to artist maturity of musicans.The obvious comparison is to Radiohead or U2 but in fact the group has its own

Język angielski

Słownictwo (różne)

Types of film Action movie Documentary Horror film Love story Musical Romantic comedy Science fiction Thriller Jobs and people Actor Audience Camera operator Director Film crew Hero

Język angielski


adjectives when the main verb is be it is used for emphasis b. such used with be means so much/so great 3. Inverted conditional sentences without If- three types of If- sentence can be inverted

Język angielski

About polish language essay

Polish originates from the group of the Slavonic languages, such as Croatian , Czech and Russian. Our mother tongue is said to be one of the most difficult languages in the world. Its grammar