

poleca 88% 104 głosów


1. After negative adverbials:
a. when the adverbial occurs at the beginning of a clause
b. time expressions: never, rarely, seldom used with present perfect or past perfect, or with modal verbs such as can and could
c. time expressions: hardly, barely, scarcely, no sooner (nie wcześniej) used with past perfect
d. after only which combines with other time expressions (usually with past simple); only if, only when, only then, only later; when only refers to ‘the state of being the only one’ there’s no inversion following it
e. phrases containing no/not including: under no circumstances, on no account, at no time, in no way, on no conditions, not until, not only… (but also)
f. little (also in negative or restrictive meaning)
2. After so/such with that:
a. this occurs with so and adjectives when the main verb is be it is used for emphasis
b. such used with be means so much/so great
3. Inverted conditional sentences without If-
three types of If- sentence can be inverted without If-. This makes the sentence more formal and makes the event less likely, e.g.
- If they were to escape, there would be no an outcry.
Were they to escape, there would be no an outcry.
- If you should hear anything, let me know.
Should you hear anything, let me know.
- If I had known, I would have protested strongly.
Had I known, I would have protested strongly
4. After so, neither and nor:
there are used in ‘echoing’ statements, agreeing or disagreeing.

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