
Nie umiem zrobić zadań z Relative Clauses, Reported Speech, A/AN/THE i Third Conditional plus Mixed Conditional. 


Nie umiem zrobić zadań z Relative Clauses, Reported Speech, A/AN/THE i Third Conditional plus Mixed Conditional. 

ZAD1 defining or non-defining relative clauses
1. A graphic designer won the designer award. Her style is really originalOdp: A graphic designer who style is really original won the designer award.
2. Some adverts are too entertaining. They don't help the audience to remember the product.Odp: Some adverts which don't help the audience to remember the product are to entertaining.
3. Outdoor advertising use large billboards. The need to have visuals with a big impact.Odp: Outdoor advertising which the need to have visuals with a big impact use large billboards.
4. Virtual videos can be a form of advertising. They appear on the Internet.Odp.: Virtual videos, that appear on the Internet, can be a form of advertising.
5.The Internet is a place with adverts. The most creative advertising ideas are found there.Odp.: The Internet, which the most creative advertising ideas are found there, is a place with adverts.
Zad2. Reported Speech
1. "Everything went wrong on the trip"
He said that everything....had gone wrong....on the trip.
2. "Will you be at work tomorrow?"
He asked me....if I would be at work the next day?
3. "We might request a refund for the full cost of the trip"
He said that they.... might request a..... refund for the full cost of the trip
4. "Where have they decided to go on holiday?"
He asked me.... where (they? he?) had decided to go on holiday?
5. "We are thinking of making a complaint"
He said they...were thinking... about making a complaint.

ZAD3. A/An/THE oraz much , any etc
There is.... 1. many/much?... of information available on the Internet but not...2. little/ any... of i may be relevant to what you are looking for. Nowadays, everyone knows how to look things up online, but ....3. the... people take time to develop... 4. an....skills needed to identyfy the useful information. With a you can save yourself a lot of time and avoid opening links that don't give you what you need. It's important to have ....6. the..... access to resources, and the knowledge to use them correctly.

ZAd 4. MIXED and Third Conditional
1. If You Tube......................(not become) so popular, perhaps young people...................(not be) so interested in making thier own videos.
2. Without mobile phones, Twitter ...... (grow) so quickly.
3. If the Internet.............(not be invented) cybercrime........(not exist).
4. If software like Skype...........(not be able) to stay in touch with friends and family so easily.
5. The word...............(feel) much bigger place id Berners-Lee......(not develop) the World Wide Web.
6. High street stores..........(not face) such competition if online shopping.......(not increase) so rapidly.

5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 11.6.2018 (01:48)
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