
Complete this text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
It 1. (bring) _______________________ to our

attention that a number of items from the flat-pack furniture range that 2. (purchase) ___________________ from the South London branch 3. (return)______________________ because of unsatisfactory performance.
Complaints have included lack of all necessary connecting screws and bolts and damaged wooden panels. An investigation of the origin of the complaints 4. (undertake)___________________, but this issue 5. (must take) ______________________ seriously by all staff. One flat-pack wardrobe collapsed in a child’s bedroom, and a tragedy could 6. (occur)_______________________. Is it a Problem of management and supervision, or are the packing machines at fault? Does this coincide with the arrival of the new manager who 7. (appoint) __________________________________ three months ago? It is his responsibility to make sure that all machinery 8. (serviced)_______________________ regularly. A full report 9. (expect)_______________________ at the next meeting scheduled a week on Monday where we hope the answers will be forthcoming.
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