
Complete the news summaries with the words below.


1. Someone set fire to on empty building early this morning.Police said it was....................and that they haven't caught the
2. Someone attacked a woman and stole her handbag.She did not see the face of the ..................... .There have been a lot of similar ................ in the area.
3........................... broke into five shops last night. They took money and goods. Someone had.......................... two of the shops before.
4.After a flood caused damage,.......................... took food and toots from sevelar buildings. All of the suspects had received fines for ............................. before.
5. Often young people's friends encourage them to steal from shops. It seems like to game, but ................ is a crime, and ................ can receive latge fines.
5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 10.6.2017 (14:55)
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