
Kupiłeś niedawno telefon komórkowy, z którego nie jesteś zadowolony. Zredaguj list z reklamacją do sprzedawcy, w

Kupiłeś niedawno telefon komórkowy, z którego nie jesteś zadowolony. Zredaguj list z reklamacją do sprzedawcy, w którym opiszesz powody swego niezadowolenia I sformułujesz żądania (180-280 słów)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about your mobile phone, which I purchased from your website on 20th October for £150. Unfortunately, I am not satisfied with it.
The most important thing is that the screen went blank. When I tried to switch on the phone, this situation did not improve. In addition to this, I ordered the phone with a headset. Much to my dismay, the headset was not compatible with this phone. That is a bit of a disaster for me. Another problem is that I got a manual in another language. I do not understand, how I could connect the phone with wireless internet (Wi-Fi).
I am sending the phone back under separate cover. I would be grateful if you could send me a full refund or send me a new smartphone. As you can see, the phone is still under warranty, therefore you could have it repaired. If this situation does not improve, I will take a legal action- I am going to sue you. To make matters worse, I will take a negative comment on your website.
I look forward to hearing from you and to the resolution of my problem.
Yours faithfully,
Ocenione przez profesora j.ang. na 100% p.rozszerzony według kryterium maturalnego.
5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 26.10.2016 (18:25)
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27.10.2016 (21:26)
Can i have a new phone?
Przydatne rozwiązanie? Tak Nie