
Barack H. Obama

poleca 88% 103 głosów


There are many reasons whay people, especially those who come from diffrent parts of the world are happy the Barack obama is the first African- American presidentof the United State. A long time ago, a lot of Africans werw brought to work as slaves espesially on American plantation or large farms of the South. White people whipped black men, raped women, and separated families. White treated black worst than dogs. Many black people went to jail. One of them was Rosa Park. She refused to relinquish her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, and doing this, she helped touch off the civil rights movement, It took a long time for white to understand that were the same no matter how they look or what color of there skin was. Now the forty forth president of the United States is African- American. This is a proof for everyone that everything in this world is possible.

Anna D.

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