
Krzyżówka z Biologii w języku angielskim

poleca 86% 102 głosów



1. The smallest structural and functional unit of living organisms (cell)
2. Carry out the process of photosynthesis (plants)
3. Organisms which make their food for themselves (autotrophic)
4. A combination of cells from male to female to reproduction ... (sexual)
5. What including mushrooms and toadstools (saprobiots)
6. Science of tissue (histology)
7. Is the spliting of an individual into two individuals or more than two individuals of approximately equal size (fission)
8. Other name is reproductive cells. (gametes)
9. Process in which organisms have identical or nearly identical genetic material. (cloning)
10. Popular name of hydrogen oxide (water)
11. Process of assimilation of carbon from the atmosphere, similar to photosynthesis, but does not occur with the participation of light, but through the oxidation of inorganic substances. (chemosynthesis)
12. Type of asexual reproduction. It relies on the production of a small portion of the parental organisms, which, once isolated from the parent alone to evolve. (budding)
13. Element need to aerobic respiration. (oxygen)
14. Heterotrophic organisms eating carrion. (scavenger)

Hasło : Classification

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