
Marrying (cause or effect)

poleca 85% 144 głosów


Now a days more and more young people decided to get married. There is a planty causes of it. Firstlly, today everybody wants to be rich, money is the most important object in life most of us. People work much more than a few years ago, some of them work even at night and the other ones take their work to do it at home. It is really hard to find time for this "second" person with who you would like to share the rest of your life. If we are talking about moneythere is one more cause why young people do not get married, and I am talking about wedding reception. I f you come from wealthy family it would be not a big problem for you because your perenst will help you to prepare a great wedding. But sometimes even welthy people do not like to be a bride and groom. Priest, restaurant reservation, orchestra, food and other details which weeding must conteined are really expensive. As you can see it is really not the cheapes event, and that is one of many causes why people live without married cartificate. I hope thatmy paragraph will show you main causes why young people do not marrying. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong that people whant to live without married certificate.

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