
Przedstawić siebie po angielsku

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2022-09-01
poleca 81% 3586 głosów


My name is (imię i nazwisko), I come from *Poland (opcjonalnie). I'm (wiek) years old. I was born on (data urodzenia) in (miasto).

I started my education in (data rozpoczęcia szkoły) at a primary school. After six years, I moved to a modern Grammar school. At present, I am studying at (szkoła, np: z-s 1, lub Lo 1) in another part of the city. I'm a studing of (klasa obecnie) class. I'm going to finish the school as (zawód po tej szkole. Jak nie ma zawodu, to nie pisać tego zdania, zawodu nie ma po LO). After leaving school, I'm going to study (rodzaj studiów). in the most beautiful city - (miasto gdzie chcesz studiować).

Presently I live with my parents and my brother in a detached hause, in the suburbs of Sanok.

My mother works in (nazwa firmy, gdzie pracuje mama), as a (zawód). She is very nice and intelligent person. She takes care of our family. I can always rely onher.

My father is a very active person. He has always get a lot to do. He likes wok in a garden. His hobby is: cooking, playing computer game, and watching sports channel.

My bother is (wiek) years old. He is a student of 5th class at primary school. He is being noisy and sometimes get me nervous, however (name) is a good brother. We ride bicycles together. I like spending time with my family, but not always.

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