
Ochrona dzikich zwierząt.

poleca 85% 432 głosów


Most wild animals live in Africa and America. In Africa there are elephants, and lions but elephants may soon become extinct be¬cause people kill them for their tusks which are very expensive. It is the same with the rhinoceros - its horn is valuable, too. In Africa theca were also many species of colourful parrots. Now there are fewer and fewer of them. The wildlife in the area of the Amazon is also in danger because people are cutting down the forests known as the "lungs of the world". This not only destroys the habitat of animals but also influences the climate of the world. Burning large areas of forests may cause irreparable lost to the environment and wild animals as happened in the fires in Malaysia in 1997. There is less space for wild animals on the Earth because people cut down forests, build cities, and in this way change tie natural environment. National parks are created to protect wild animals. International laws are introduced to save the animals from the ¬people who hunt and kill them. Some of the animals in danger of extinction are taken to zoological gardens in other countries to be bred and then they are let free in their natural environment again. But ail that is not enough: More and more animals species are in danger of extinction. It is our duty to protect them and do everything to ensure their survival.

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