
Prawda. (The Truth)

poleca 85% 633 głosów


When I was a child, I loved to go wherever my two older brothers went. Most of the time, though, they wouldn't let me go with them because they said I was a tattletale. One hot day, instead of staying home as my father had told us, my brothers decided to go swimming in the river, which at times was dangerous because of the strong current. My father always went with us in case of an emergency. Despite what my father had told us, my brothers were determined to go, but they couldn't make up their minds whether to let me go or not. I begged passionately. At last, my older brother Tom said yes only if I promised not to tell my father. So we went, and the water was cool and refreshing. We had just gone home when my father arrived. Our hair was still wet, and he immediately knew what we had done. Instead of asking my brothers, he asked me if we had been swimming. I couldn't decide whether to tell the truth or not. Finally, trying to keep the promise I had made to Tom, I said, "What should I tell him, Tom?"

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