
Quiz o USA

poleca 85% 982 głosów



I. Correct these sentences.
1. A ‘ball game’ in the USA means basketball.
2. John F. Kennedy wanted separate schools for black and white children.
3. The Senate is in two parts: Congres and the House of Representatives.
4. There is a new President every five years.
5. Eisenhower was the first President after World War II.
6. Republicans spend more on public hospitals.
7. F. Scott Fitzgerald was a poet of the 1920s.
8. Maya Angelou’s work is autobiographical.
9. Alice Walker is a film star.

II. Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.

1. There are ... states in the USA
a) 10
b) 20
c) 46
d) 50

2. When the Americans got their independence from Britain?
a) 1886
b) 1776
c) 1772
d) 1944

3. How many zones are in the USA?
a) 5
b) 8
c) 1
d) 3

4. Which river is the longest in the USA?
a) Colorado River
b) Mississippi-Missouri River
c) Mississippi River
d) Missouri River

5. Which of this city is a capital of the USA?
a) New York
b) Boston
c) Chicago
d) Washington DC.

III. Answer the questions.
1. The first president of the United States of America was ............................................... .
2. The American president who ended slavery was ............................................... .
3. New York is called ............................................... .
4. The flag of the USA called ............................................... .
5. The highest mountain in the USA is ............................................... and has got ............. metres.

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