
Personality styles- "I am who I am"

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Learning about personality ,learning and leadership styles in my ESL class helped me find myself. Through the process of learning about myself I also learned how important it's to understand myself and others. We should look for the harmony and the balance in our lives. Now, I can recognize how I learn, who am I, and what I value in myself.
We are all mixture of all four colors; my strongest color is orange, my weakest is green. As an orange person I like action--I don't like routine. I am able to express myself, I'm not afraid to speak for myself and show my emotions. I seek for new opportunities , and when a new opportunity comes I usually take full advantage of it. I look for excitement and action in my life, and I don't want to miss any of it. I try to enjoy my life as much as I can , and live every day like it's my last day.
When it comes to personal relationships , I'm usually open-minded, I like to be in focus , and in conversing with others I tend to say some things without thinking them through. I'm a good negotiator, and I'm good at solving problems. I am likely to take things figuratelively rather than literally . I am more inclined to be specifi than general. I like to be seen by other people as a fun-loving , spontaneous , and an empathic person. All in all, I love being with people, it's what makes me feel alive.
When I'm looking at the future I don't really waste much time planning for it, what's more important is what's going on right now. My perspective on life is very optimistic, I cherish life and I have a passion for it. Being spontaneous is what I'm all about. I like my life to fly free insteadof having it put into a neat , organized schedule.
As a learner I perform well with competition. I learn more from teachers' lectures than from text books. When I'm learning about something new , it helps me to talk about it. I find it easier to learn concepts than to learn facts. I like teachers who are unpredictable , and give me an overall picture , and relate the material to other subjects. To succeed at school I need to be appreciated and motivated by others.
I don't really like to be in a control of other people. But, when it comes to leadership I usually seek fun and performance. I'm oriented in the environment , and am effective and flexible. I welcome other's opinions and suggestions. As a leader I like to help others , and I also like to offer positive thoughts.
Discovering my own personality style made me realize how unique and different from others I am. We should always be ourselves and love ourselves for who we really are. Furthermore, having a good attitude for life makes our lives easier and happier. In conclusion , even though we are all so different from each other , we are all humans , and we should respect eah other.

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