
Is school the best preparation to your working life?

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Is school the best preparation to your working life?

In school people,since childhood, prepare to adult life. If there they decide where they will work in the future. I believe that going to school help very much in our working life.
In the first place, I want to tell that in a lot of schools we can learn about every kind of subject so we can many times change our decision about our future job. We can also be qualified in a lot of professions. When we are taught a few languages we have more chances to find a friendly and well paid job.
Secondly, schools are teaching how to deal with other people and public presentations, because we are many times participate in a school performances or when we are answer for teatcher quastions. We are also learn about other people, their charachters and behaviour. This can help us for egzample to deal with our boss.
As opposed to the above ideas, I schould say that we must learn very well, because with good marks we can get to the university and only after graduate this school we can find a job. But there are olso students who are not learn well so what with them??? In a few countries there are professional schools which teach only for one precise work. I think that this kind of school should be everywhere. So this is only one diadvantages of school preparating to working life. It is necessarily.
In my opinion I think that school is the best preparetion for working life because we can alone chose what we will be doing in the future.(264)

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