
Film review recenzja filmowa

poleca 85% 532 głosów


Over one million people in Poland saw "The never in my life" (it has shown since month). But critics have bad opinion about it. Why? What can I say about this film?

"The never in my life" based on Katarzyna Grochola's book with the same title. The author is pleased with a screenplay (wrote by Ilona Łepkowska) and an actors’ play. Director, Ryszard Zatorski, complited a brillant cast- the famous Polish tv actors- like Danuta Stenka, Joanna Brodzik, Artur Żmijewski, Jan Frycz.

The hilarious romantic comedy tells story about Judyta. She's about fourty years old when her husband leaves her. She stays with fifteen years old daughter. Women build a wonderful house and live it with think: "No man, never in my life". But one day Adam appears...

There’re only a few characters in this film and they’re very nice- we must come to like their! The plot isn't complicated but I think it gives a good impression. When we see this film we can laugh often, but sometimes also be moved. Everybody knows that the story must have a happy end, but heroes have surprising adventure, also love affair of course. The film lasts for over one hour, but you aren’t bored!
I think you should see "The never in my life"- it can improve your humour!

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