
More money for health education? / Ochrona zdrowia

poleca 93% 101 głosów


There is no doubt that the administration and the health-preservation costs form the biggest part of Poland’s and other countries’ budgets. Nowadays there are always the same problems with providing these funds with money. As a consequence it cannot be said that we – the citizens - are able to treat/heal ourselves properly. I strongly believe that if we spend more money for health education, we will live longer and we won’t need to go to hospital so frequently. That’s the best method of improving our health condition.

The health education should begin as soon as it is possible. For example children could learn about fundamental rules of feed - what they need to eat and how much. This is the best time to give children some good advices. They would remember it even after a long time. The money given for that education would undeniable return to citizens’ own pockets because that would make our population more conscious about necessity of being fit and having good diet.

Furthermore, if the children have got these information assimilated, they will teach their children the same and so on. Year by year the expenses will be smaller because that rules will become a good habit, deeply rooted in our culture, and therefore they become natural for all of us and nobody would try to change them!

On the other hand, we cannot say that all people will be fit and trained such as Michael Johnson or Carl Lewis. There are some cases of handicapped or terribly ill people, who will never be so fit despite all their good intentions. We must respect and help them in order to make their lives quite normal. Moreover, now we can answer the question if the hospitals will be needed in spite of that big campaign about the health education. Certainly yes, nobody can be sure that one day he can become a victim of a serious accident which could change his life. Nobody can say, that health education will change everything. No, it will only help us. Therefore doctors can be sure, that hospitals will never be closed even if the majority of population seems to be completely healthy.

All things considered it seems to me that health education is a great idea! But it won’t be realized without a good up-bringing and a good will of all. In this case we must be unanimous, we must go through! Unfortunately the human being is not perfect. We won’t achieve all with 100% of success. We could only believe, that we can made 99% of it. That depends even on you. Think about it!

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