
The best way of travelling

poleca 85% 136 głosów


In our modern world a lot of people travel to other countries threw the seas, oceans. Some people travel by car others by plane or ships. Many of us like travelling.It can also broaden our minds. We feel excited when we go abroad and we see a different culture, habits and we hear a different language. Young people, who go abroad often become more independent and they have a chance to develop their skills, for example in comunication with others in foregin language. People travel during holidays or even work. I think that the best way for travelling is a plane. Nowadays it is the fastest way of transport. A long time ago people needed 6 weeks to get from Spain to North America threw the ocean by ship. Today it takes only a few hours to reach our destination (of course if you go there by plane). In my opinion people who use this kind of transport are in better situation than these who travel by car. They have more time for visitting and they don`t waste time for travel. Travelling by car isn`t also as comfortable as the plane is. When you go far away, after a few hours you are tired and you want to have a break. I think that for travelling long distances useful is a plane and when you want to go from Torun to Gdansk you can just go there by car because it isn`t a long distance.

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