
Political system in USA

poleca 89% 102 głosów


The USA is a federal republic consiting 50 states. Each of the states have own government which is called the Federal Government. The rules or structure of the federal government are write in the American Constitution in 1787 in Philadelphia. The government divided into the three branches: first the Executive Branch id headed by the president, and vice president is elected evry 4 years. The president have many responsobilities. He sugests bills to congress, serves military, shapes foreign policy. He appaints memmbers of Cabinet, whofunction as the directors of the Departments o State, Justice. Only person who is a at least 35 years old and is a natural born citizen of the USA may be elected President. Second branch is a Legislative Branch . The main legislative body is Congress which consists o two houses: The Senate and the House of Representatives (435 members). They are responsibility or making and passing laws. Both hauses must approve a bill or it to bocome a law. President have the right to veto and then apptoved again 2/3 two-thirds of the members o the Senat and House of Representatives. Third and last Branch is Judicial Branch, consists o the Supreme Court, Federal District Courts and 11 ederal Courts of Appeal. Federal Courts consider cases, concentring federal law. Their decisions may be appealee to the Courts of Appeal has been amended 26 times. The first 10 Amendments are called the Bill of Rights and guarantee the freedom o speach, religion, security of owne’s home.

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