
Formy spedzania wolnego czasu w Polsce

poleca 85% 1101 głosów


The Polish youth has various possibilities of spending their idle and free time. They vary from sitting all the day at home, sports, the Internet to a daily trip to a pub. The Internet plays an important role in their free time, a huge number of young Polish people spend several hours a day chatting and surfing the Internet. Often sitting in front of the computer is not a solution and a certain amount of young people use free time for sports. Football is a famous alternative, biking and swimming - dependant on the weather - is also well known.

The way young people spend their time also depends on their environment and way of life. Those who live in better settled environments (for example rich parents) often miss their chance to do something senseful and spend a lot of time at home and do nothing. That of course does not mean that everyone of them sits at home, some of them try to be a bit independent on their parents and to earn additional pocket money by finding themselves a job - doing it in their free time after school or at weekends.

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