
1. Daedalos and Icarus. 2. Letter. 3. My favorite actor.

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1. Once upon a time on the island of Crete, there was a king whose named was Minos. He has living in his palace in Knossos, a great architect and inventor named Daedalos. Daedalos is especially supposed to have built he Labytinth far King Minos to keep the Minotaur in. After Daedalos built the Labyrinth though, King Minos didn’t want to be able to tell its secrets to anybody else, and he kept Daedalos a prisoner in a tall tower alone with only his young son Icarus. Daedalos and Icarus didn’t like being prisoners and Daedalos began think about how they could get away. He watched the birds flying and he decided to make wings out of bird feathers and the wax for himself and Icarus. They tied the wings an to each other. Daedalos worried his son to be careful if he went too close sea he might fall in but if he flew too high in the sky the heat of sun would melt the wax on his wings and he would fall. Icarus promised to be careful, so they set off. Icarus forget his father warning and he kept on going up, higher and higher. Suddenly he noticed his wings were melting. His wings came apart and he fall down into the ocean where he drowned. Daedalos spent a long time searching Icarus body, but when he found it, he nothing could do…
2. Dear Laura,
How are you? Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while but I hadn’t time because I had to study a lot. Anyway, now Easter is coming so I’m very happy and I went to drop you a line and tell you about my Eastern, Before this great time I have a lot of obligations. I have to tidy my room, bake cake and paint Eastereggs, but I don’t like it. On Saturday I must go to church to bless food and this is my favorite Easter custom. At Easter morning I go to church. After I eat breakfast with my family and then I watch F1 race on TV. And how people in your country spend Easter? I invite you to Poland for next Eastern. I hope you will come. Anyway I’d better go now. Write soon.
3. My favourite actor is Gary Oldman. He was born in 1953 year in London. He is middle high, medium build person who has dark and short hair and blue eyes. He was married 4 time and has 3 sons. Gary Oldman plays as eccentries and evildoer very often. This actor usually wears smart clothes. He made one’s debut in film “Sid and Nancy”. His first great success was role in “Dracula”. Another famous movies in which he has played are “Unborn”, “Harry Potter”, “Batman Begins”, “The Dark Knight”, “Leon: The professional” and “Hannibal”. I like him because he can play every character though he generally perform as bad person.

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